Our lab actively engages with decision makers and practitioners, and prioritizes collaborative research and effective communication.

- UNEP Global Environmental Outlook for Cities: Toward Green and Just Cities
- U.S. Global Change Research Program 2nd State of the Carbon Cycle Report
- Assessment of Climate Change in the Southwest United States: A Technical Report Prepared for the U.S. National Climate Assessment
- Second UCCRN Assessment Report on Climate Change and Cities
We’re excited to provide the Municipal Drinking Water Database, which combines financial, institutional, demographic, and environmental conditions of more than 2,000 municipal drinking water systems in the U.S.
The database can be found here:
Our paper describing the database and some of its possible uses can be found here:
Policy Briefs
- Assessing Policy Drivers and Barriers for Sustainable Groundwater Management in Michigan
- Water Quality Governance in the Rouge River Watershed
- Evaluating State Policies and Programs to Enable Local Flood Resilience in the Great Lakes
- Drinking Water Equity: Analysis and Recommendations for the Allocation of the State Revolving Funds
- Fund Drinking Water Infrastructure to Reduce COVID-19 Disparities
- Addressing the Links Between Poverty, Housing, and Water Access and Affordability in Detroit
- Centering Racial Justice in Urban Flood Adaptation
- Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Effective Steering Strategies for City Governments
Talks & Interviews
TEDX talk on cities and climate change
Cities and Climate Change: Making the Links | Sara Hughes | TEDxUofT
Interview: The Special Report with Areva Martin
January 27, 2021
“The Flint Water Crisis, Race, and Vaccines”
In March, 2017 the Center for the Study of the U.S., the Institute on Municipal Finance and Governance, the Environmental Governance Lab, the Department of Political Science, the School of the Environment, and the Global Cities Institute at the University of Toronto sponsored a public symposium on urban governance and climate change, featuring decision makers from New York City, Los Angeles, and Toronto. The event was attended by nearly 100 local decision makers, students, faculty, and non-governmental organizations with an interest in urban environmental policy.
Watch the webcast:
Podcast: New Books in Political Science
March 24, 2020
Sara Hughes, “Repowering Cities: Governing Climate Change Mitigation in New York City, Los Angeles, and Toronto”