Supporting water and climate policy solutions for just, sustainable, and resilient cities and communities.
Safe, Affordable, Reliable Drinking Water
We analyze the politics and policy of drinking water management and infrastructure, including effective policy and governance strategies for more sustainable and resilient systems.
Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience
We evaluate how communities and governments around the world are responding to climate change, and identify opportunities for more effective and justice-centered approaches.
Just Urban Transitions
We contribute to efforts to promote urban transitions that center social justice and environmental sustainability.
News & Announcements
Call for Papers: Urban Water Management, Planning and Design
Urban water systems are critical infrastructure that support residents, businesses, industries, schools, and landscapes. Urban water systems include not only the built infrastructures, but also the institutions, landscapes, buildings, and habits of residents, which...
Flint water charges escalate debate over officials’ failures
"It’s rare for public officials, let alone industry, to be held accountable for environmental contamination that disproportionately affects low-income and minority communities, said Sara Hughes, an assistant professor at the University of Michigan who studies urban...
Ex-Gov. Rick Snyder pleads not guilty as nine face charges in Flint water crisis
"Sara Hughes, an assistant professor at the University of Michigan’s School for Environment and Sustainability who studies urban policy, said that there is concern that the indictments could result in tightened governmental immunity protections and prompt public...
Tweets from the Lab
New Publications
Repowering Cities: Governing Climate Change Mitigation in New York City, Los Angeles, and Toronto
Critically evaluates the governing strategies city governments can use to mobilize the resources and actors required to meet ambitious GHG reduction targets, and the consequences of their efforts.
The book is now available from Cornell University Press and on Amazon.
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